Theresa Lear Levine picture

✨?✨Five tips for bringing more of what you want into your life.✨?✨

#1 Think positively!

And I hear it all the time I try. 

I try. I try, it’s so hard. 

In order to truly be able to think positively for any period of time, you have to be able to root out your negative emotions. 

You cannot become a positive thinking, talking and expressing person if you are sitting atop a heap of negativity

You must root that out first. 

And that is one of the gifts that I’ve discovered with EFT

So EFT is a great practice for rooting out the negative and making because when you do that, you make room to be able to allow positivity to grow, flourish and thrive. 

So thinking positively is huge for bringing more of what you want into your life. 

# 2 is… Practicing Gratitude!

So, gratitude is all about focusing on what you already have and not what you lack. So when we’re looking to bring something into our lives. 

It usually is in the realm of our health, our finances or our relationships

Those are usually the three areas of life that people want to make better, improve upon, make strides in and have goals about yada, yada, yada… 

So if you’re focusing on what has not happened yet in those things, or what has previously gone wrong or failed or fallen short or whatever, you’re definitely going to be bringing more of that into your life.

You have to focus on what’s going right.

So, focus on what you already have in those things.

Focus on the good parts of them so that you can multiply and amplify them. 

It is really the law of attraction, plain and simple.

And if you’re focusing on what you don’t have, you bring more about into your life. 

#3 is… Practicing Appreciation

Now, Appreciation, I think, is a little bit more outward. 

And other-focused than gratitude and it can come in so many different forms.

But, I love to write good old fashioned thank you notes and not even necessarily somebody did something for you or whatever.

But sometimes you can just write somebody you know, and just thank them for being a wonderful part of your life or thank them for some way that they’ve impacted you over the years or just simply let them know you’re happy to know them.

On the same goes for just like randomly messaging people. You can message, text, email somebody in the same fashion. 

I know a lot of people like to start the day off that way, and every now and then I’ll get into a groove of doing that to where I just decide. Hey, today I’m gonna start my day by sending random messages of thanks and appreciation to five people, and I just go through my address book and hit some people up, you know, make their day. 

Make it fun.

#4 is to Take Time to Meditate.

This is super important. And It might mean something different to you than it means to me, so use it liberally as meaning…

Get yourself present. Get  yourself into the present moment. 

If you are leaking power to the past, leaking power to the future… past? future? Lol you’re not present and present is the only place that your power could do anything.


This is the only place that we have any effect on anything.

Okay? Past has done.

Future hasn’t happened yet.

Right here, right now is where it’s at.

So, do whatever gets you present. Might be going for a run.

It might be doing a guided meditation.

It might be doing an unguided meditation.

It might be just doing some breath work and some breathing exercises.

It might just be taking a minute with your Apple watch when it tells you to breathe and doing that, it might be more spiritual or religious for you. Whatever it is, do it!

Get yourself present with something that works for you.

#5 Put an Emphasis on Learning and Growing in the Area that You Want to Improve Upon. 

So again, health, finances and relationships are normally the areas that people are looking to improve upon.

Self development, self help type books in all those areas. 

So, if you are wanting to improve upon one of those areas, think about it. 

Find the niche area look up, you know, great authors or books in that area. Ask me if you want recommendations. 

I am a self development junkie, but you know, incorporate it into your day. 

I normally get up and, while I’m brushing my teeth and washing my face and putting my exercise clothes on for the day, I am listening to self development. 

And it’s always I always make sure that the morning is about self development in a personal area of my life that I want to bring more into or grow into before I go into business self development or other focuses that I listen to audiobooks or do learning about on a regular basis.  

So I put the focus there first and make sure that every day I’m getting at least 10 minutes of some kind of learning some kind of infusion in the area that I’m wanting to bring more into.

So, those are my favorite five tips for that, none of which are overwhelmingly time consuming at all and not expensive either.

So there’s really truly no cost to any of those things.

So all free ways that you can, you know, do those things. 

Of course, there’s great paid ways that you could do those things, too. 

But either way, no matter what the budget, you could do these Five Things.

Give it a try.